Our Recipes

More than 30 interesting recipes of beverages can be made by using Spritzer Sparkling Water, and suitable to match with every festive seasons every where in the world. Refer to our recipe today to make cool and interesting beverages for your loved one.
October 16, 2022

Teh Pudina Laici

October 16, 2022

Teh Hijau Lemon

October 16, 2022

Teh Bunga Raya

October 16, 2022

Strawberry Selasih

October 16, 2022

Sparkling Oren Thyme

October 16, 2022

Sparkling Jambu Batu & Kelapa

October 16, 2022

Soda Tembikai Timun

October 16, 2022

Soda Strawberi & Selasih

October 16, 2022

Soda Mangga & Limau

October 16, 2022

Soda Jambu Rasberi

October 16, 2022

Sitrus Telang Sparkling

October 16, 2022

Sagu Kelapa Beraya

October 16, 2022

Rosmeri Pic Sparkling

October 12, 2022

Punch Bunga Raya

October 12, 2022

Punch Buah Teh Ais